
Patient Perspective of Dry Eyes Survey

Researchers from Aston Optometry School are using an anonymous survey to assess patient perspectives on dry eye disease. If you have dry eye disease, are 18 years or older and can complete the survey in English, you will be eligible to participate in the survey. The survey consists of 4 short parts. It asks you about what you think are the main contributors to your dry eye disease from a list of known dry eye risk factors, and also how important it is that your eyecare clinician improves the various signs and symptoms of your dry eyes. You only need to complete the survey once, which only takes about 15 minutes.

Development of a New Questionnaire for Ocular Surface Disease

Researchers from the UK and Australia are developing a new questionnaire to better capture the symptoms and frustrations of ocular surface diseases (including dry eye). The first step involves some online, small focus groups (of about an hour) with individuals with any of:

  • Dry eye disease, Meibomian gland dysfunction, Contact lens discomfort and/or blepharitis
  • Neuropathic corneal pain
  • Sjögrens syndrome, Ocular graft versus host disease, Limbal stem cell deficiency, Chemical eye injuries or Steven’s Johnson syndrome

The only criteria is having one of these conditions, being 18 years of age or older and being willing (and a suitable computer/tablet/smartphone) to take part.

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