Here is a list of our current and future research projects. Click the title of the study or the image for more information, or to email your interest for upcoming studies.
Blepharitis and Castor Oil
Promising results from a pilot study show that castor oil may help you achieve comfortable, clear eyes. We are at the final stages of recruitment, so get in touch with the investigators by clicking on the picture to get involved!
Inflammatory markers in dry eye disease
We are seeking research participants to help us explore the ocular surface inflammatory biomarkers in all types of dry eye disease. This will help us to understand the role of specific inflammatory markers that associate with dry eye disease of different severities, which will be used to inform a parallel study designing a targeted eye drop for dry eye.
Taking a closer look at lid margin
This study aims to better understand changes in the eyelid margin in contact lens wearers and dry eye disease.
Investigating the potential for contemporary artificial tears to improve dry eye symptoms and contact lens discomfort
Do you suffer from discomfort symptoms – dry, gritty eyes, either constantly, or when in air-conditioned spaces, or during screen use? Do you wear contact lenses and experience end of day discomfort when wearing your lenses? If you answer ‘yes’ to either of these questions, you may be eligible to take part in a study to trial contemporary high quality artificial tear supplement eye drops.
This study is anticipated to be recruiting in May. If you’re interested, click on the title to leave your contact details with us and we’ll send you the participant information sheet to review as soon as it’s available!
Soon to commence.
Screen use and dry eye: a survey of New Zealand tamariki and rangatahi
The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of how screen media habits affect the ocular surface of young patients and the association between extended screen use and symptoms of dry eye disease in this group. The survey will explore the range of screen habits, dry eye symptoms, and other factors that may impact eye health in a young New Zealand cohort, reported by both the participants and their parental guardians.
Tackling tear film instability in contact lens wear
This study aims to understand how eye drops and sprays that are used for managing contact lens discomfort perform in soft contact lens wearers.
One drop at a time
This study seeks to measure the level of force required to expel a single drop and compare the degree of perceived difficulty associated while using various eye drop containers.