Back in 2007 at the age of 25 I decided (after several years of oily skin and only mild acne) to take accutane. I clearly remember the dermatologist telling me it “might give you dry eyes whilst on the medication” but assured me it would resolve once the course had finished. After taking the medication my face puffed up, went red and my lips became chapped. 8 weeks into taking the drug I had to stop because I’d become contact lens intolerant and my eyes were so red. This is where the issues began…

I was referred to an ophthalmologist and given lubricating drops and sent on my way. After 12 months my situation “resolved” and I was back wearing my contacts on a daily basis and then bang my eyes went dry again a short time later

After that I visited several different ophthalmologists across the country, dermatologists and an allergist all with differing diagnoses including Thyroid Eye Disease, allergies, blepharitis, MGD, rosacea, seb derm to name a few. I spent then next 10+ years managing my mild dry eye with success and accepted not being able to wear my contacts anymore. I tried various treatments including IPL with not much improvement but on the whole it was manageable and didn’t affect me that much on a day-to-day basis.

In 2020 my symptoms resolved almost completely and I thought great – it’s a been a long road but I’m cured!

But… unfortunately in 2022 onwards I noticed my eyes would get quite dry at the end of the day (I was also taking low-dose beta blockers a couple of times a month and lots of daily screen time including phone use). That pattern increased and by June 2023 my eyes were severely dry and my face was burning. I had to take two months off work and I was in crippling pain and have been since.

I can just about do a day’s work now, although I must go to bed by about 7 – 8pm because my eyes are so dry. This has persisted for almost a year. It has had a huge impact on my young family, marriage, career, social life, ability to drive very far, mental health and much more.

I’ve been to Manchester, Birmingham and London clinics to see various eye doctors and been diagnosed with OR, moderate CCH, MGD, incomplete blink and a very low TBUT. I’ve even considered going to the USA for treatment. I’ve spent hour after hour on support groups and YouTube looking at different treatments and talking to others to try and find a solution.

It has been the most stressful 12 months of my life at a time (41) when I should be enjoying my life.

I’m writing this as I travel back from my latest appointment in London with a specialist. I trust his judgement and we have a revised plan as nothing is giving me relief so far. The hope is that I can make some improvement over the coming 12 months. I know it’s not going to be easy, my situation is complex and it’s also very costly.

My frustration is that I was never told about the permanent side effects of taking this drug. If I’d had information on the risks at the time then undoubtably I wouldn’t be in the position I find myself in now.